Jan Mrázek

Results 52 issues of Jan Mrázek

It would be interesting to have a compile-time option to enable tracing of module compile times. Having data could be helpful for deciding whether we should implement a module in...

When using a transpiled source, the stack traces refer to the transpiled code. It would be nice to also point to the original file if applicable.

We should extend the Javascript test suite so we can detect regressions in the software. Consider adding the tests after the format in #11 is drafted.

We should implement machinery to automatically run javascript tests. Basically, a script should upload the firmware to the attached target and one-by-one run javascript tests. Each test should define the...

ESP32 has both, Bluetooth 2 and Bluetooth 4. Implement a module that allows the user to easily use this functionality. Difficulty: Hard

The system can operate in two modes: - unattended mode, and - managed mode. In the unattended mode, the VM is running javascript code and all the stdout is directly...

The current upload protocol suffers from missing flow control on the UART line. We cannot establish a hardware flow control as there is none on the existing boards. Therefore, occasionally...

Implement node.js http module: https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v14.x/docs/api/http.html The module should be implemented natively; it should map nicely to the HTTP module provided by ESP-IDF Difficulty: Medium

Implement node.js url module: https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v14.x/docs/api/url.html The module is probably implemented the best directly in Javascript - it is too much work to implement it in the native API and the...

Implement net module according to the node.js specification: https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v14.x/docs/api/net.html Difficulty: moderate (not challenging, however, the modules is quite large)