Yao Ding
Yao Ding
What should be the optimal behavior? Here it's using Number() function to convert to number.
I think better documentation would be fine, this is not worth a code change.
I'm having the same issue where mappingProperties would cause a no handler error
It doesn't looks like a bug with react-flickity-component, more like Safari is doing weird stuff. I never get `Fired? true` in my console log.
You can use dynamic import. Next.js provide their own API: ```javascript import dynamic from 'next/dynamic' const hash = dynamic( () => import('flickity-hash'), { ssr: false } ) function Carousel() {...
https://codesandbox.io/s/react-flickity-fullscreen-forked-bpog8?file=/src/index.js 1. You need to import fullscreen's css 2. You need to specify `fullscreen: true`, just like in flickity's document
I suspect this is because how codesandbox works. I copied the project locally and it always works. Can u try that?
You should use a ref or a variable outside of your functional component scope to assign flickityRef, because the current flkty gets re-initialized everytime it renders
PR is welcome. Could you also verify it is working with react 18?
[v3.6.3](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-flickity-component/v/3.6.3) should fix it