
Results 26 comments of Yanwei

Hi, I didn't keep this part. But the common network can be easily constructed by building the structure using the basic Cell.

Hi, I guess you are using the mmdet3d with version >0.17.3 (required) here. A simple solution is to change the code `from mmdet3d.ops.iou3d.iou3d_utils import nms_gpu, nms_normal_gpu` to `from mmdet3d.ops import...

Yes, we plan to release the code soon.

Hi, maybe you can refer to [this repo](https://github.com/DdeGeus/PanopticFCN_cityscapes) for Cityscapes dataset.

Hi, I guess this solution in issue #17 work for you. The main reason is that the module panopticfcn has not been registered in Detectron2. So, you can simply add...

Hi, sorry for the late reply. It seems strange. Are all the inputs got the same results as this case? Or this is the only case?

Hi, yes, you can download get them from the nuScene website (https://www.nuscenes.org/nuscenes).