1. 修复自1.2.69版本之后, 带@JsonField的字段哈希计算及匹配规则不向前兼容的问题, 导致很多用户升级到新版本, 需要大量场景下的回归测试. 不影响alterNateName的使用. 2. 修正魔数常量值命名规范问题
### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues](https://github.com/opengoofy/hippo4j/issues) and found no similar issues. ### Feature Request Universal witness version recognition module. ### Are you willing to...
If you are interested in these features and want to contribute, please do not hesitate to contact us. - [ ] Agent https://github.com/opengoofy/hippo4j/issues/1428 - [ ] Third-party framework adaptation https://github.com/opengoofy/hippo4j/issues/1301...
## BUG 报告 ### 你使用了哪个项目?hippo4j config 还是 hippo4j server? hippo4j-config ### 你使用了哪个版本? 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT ### 预期行为 启动时可以拉取远程apollo配置 ### 实际行为 启动时, 远程的apollo参数没有被绑定到BootstrapProperties ### 原因分析(如果可以) Apollo的参数绑定实现类 `com.ctrip.framework.apollo.spring.boot.ApolloApplicationContextInitializer#initialize(org.springframework.core.env.ConfigurableEnvironment)`当中, 有如下一段代码: ```java protected void initialize(ConfigurableEnvironment environment)...
## Demand advice Develop the common module to implement real-time parameter changes in the middleware thread pool with general capability. The following points need to be noted: - [ ]...
## Demand advice **Note**: #1250 needs to be completed before this issue. Basically, there are 2 sub-tasks. - [ ] Add spring-boot-1.x/2.x-config-nacos plugin module under spring-boot-1.x/2.x-plugins. - [ ] Implement...
## Demand advice There are 3 sub-tasks. - [ ] Add spring-boot-1.x-plugins parent module. - [ ] Split the existing plugins by functionality and implement the spring-boot-1.x/2.x-apollo-plugin sub-plugin module under...
## Demand advice Implement fetching remote configurations from the remote Apollo configuration center directly during startup in the Hippo4j-Agent module. ## Approach By default, Apollo does not fetch the latest...
## BUG Report In agent mode, the printing of the log will fail, please check the reason, if it is a bug, please fix it. The code for reproducing the...