Yannick Croissant

Results 8 comments of Yannick Croissant

What version of Jenkins are you using ?

Since `6.0.0` is imminent we could do this, but I don't know if it is a good thing to force instance properties on top in the default configuration. What is...

#181 is a pretty old change and the `canRender` prop no longer exists in the current implementation. But the issue you reported is correct as we can not determine the...

Hello, From what I see `@babel/runtime` is set as a dependency of `react-instantsearch-core` and, after testing, it is correctly installed. So I don't really see the issue here, unless it...

Seems to be an interesting rule. It should be feasible, we already have a [isReturningJSX](https://github.com/yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react/blob/master/lib/util/Components.js#L172) utility function that can already do "jsx fragment functions" detection (but it doesn't cover all...

Are you using Server-Side Rendering ? From what I see on your gif it seems that the list of brands with only one product is rendered by the server then...

The `refine` function is available in the default scope for the ais-refinement-list widget https://www.algolia.com/doc/api-reference/widgets/refinement-list/vue/#widget-param-default. Here's an example of Vue InstantSearch with vue-multiselect: https://codesandbox.io/s/beautiful-clarke-otlxm?file=/src/App.vue

The `stateToRoute` method can be called by the widgets to calculate some links in the components, for example this what it is done in the `ais-pagination` widget for each button....