Yong Yin

Results 7 comments of Yong Yin

@airyland 请修复

Is there any plan to merge this PR, or any alternative solution to fix this?

> > 那么ESM本身就自带**_导出_**语义 > > 「那么ESM本身就自带**导出**语义」针对这一点主要是一下两个原因导致我们调整成这样的: > > 1. 这里例如 Vite 在构建成非库模式的时候会自动的把 export 等关键词去除,无法直接获取 esm 导出的内容 > 2. 直接识别子应用 export 的内容,会受到非入口文件的影响,如果不是入口文件也可能会直接获取导出内容,如果还有其他的 esmodule 的 script 将会对入口导出产生影响 vite环境确实会默认移除入口文件的export,不过毕竟在webpack环境下也要修改output的配置才能让子应用被成功load,所以子应用的配置修改是可以的,在vite环境下为rollupOptions增加 _**preserveEntrySignatures: 'exports-only'**_ 应该就可以保留export,比较简单。 可以理解garfish使用env来侦测provider的设计,例如在cjs环境下,如果意外向window上注入多个新属性,也会破坏对provider的识别,env就能避免这种不确定性。但**需要run全部js**(除async之外)。...

Thanks for reply. I'm afraid there are still cases that #969 can not solve. Navigations could occur anytime, and any navigation could be cancelled. See this case: ``` / ->...

cannot solve the problem, I gave an idea may work.

You cannot remove a history record from the stack. I considered history.back() but it means that history.go() or the forward button would be available, which is not expected. --- In...

Is this feature still in plan? I want to display an custom avatar component at the most right, but it's not supported yet.