Download the code to a directory and import all. PHP files manually v1.1 example: ```php
Code cannot be less than php7.2 You can consider upgrading your PHP version
> I did not get your fork working and I can't Chinese, so I made my own. See: https://github.com/TipiT/php-apple-signin and https://packagist.org/packages/tipi/php-apple-signin > > As a suggestion, I recommend defining the...
> cc909e6fa3db1432e87ac3c9928689ffb.0.nzsr.EKSlK7mA1jOIunx6hXbt1g < this is an example identity token in getting from the iOS client Usually, the token is three paragraphs separated by commas
> cc909e6fa3db1432e87ac3c9928689ffb.0.nzsr.EKSlK7mA1jOIunx6hXbt1g < this is an example identity token in getting from the iOS client It is understood that `identityToken ` should be used instead of `access_token `
I encountered the same issue. A workaround is to specify a different directory from the default target using the `--target-dir` parameter, for example `--target-dir="target/test"`, to prevent the conflict.