Yanjanendra K.
Yanjanendra K.
@rauschma I think in [§16.5.2](https://exploringjs.com/impatient-js/ch_numbers.html#finding-nan-in-arrays) it really doesn't make any sense to include `findIndex` and `find` as logic is defined by the predicate ( function ) that user will write...
@rauschma I found while playing around, that the behavior of operator `+` can be changed by the presence of the `valueOf` function, even if one value is a string ```...
I'm having trouble understanding this part,? > On the plus side, AMD modules can be executed directly. In contrast, CommonJS modules must either be compiled before deployment or custom source...
@leonbloy Yes, you make a good point, I think we can also use the `x== null` as `null == undefined` to check if `x` is either undefined or null. @rauschma...