Xinyun Yang
Xinyun Yang
Hi, Is Ruby still not working with nano server 2019? It would be really interesting if we can have a nano server version of it.
In an enterprise environment, it is not uncommon that certain network traffic to be allowed only from a selected group of servers. So it would be really useful if psake...
**Exercise** ch20 traefik **Problem** diamol/traefik failed to start with error: fatal error: PowersRegisterSuspendResumeNotification failure **Docker version** Client: Docker Engine - Community Cloud integration: 1.0.9 Version: 20.10.5 API version: 1.41 Go...
Used following content in my appsetting.json , and no log can be found from the eventviwer. In the meanwhile, tried c# api to configure it, and it worked. ```json {...
##### SUMMARY When win_package path argument is pointing to a URL and state argument is set to absent, this module will exit without doing uninstallation via downloading the URL specified...