Zichao Yang
Zichao Yang
> 可以尝试在配置文件leetcode-config.xml中删除QuestionEditor的配置项,重启IDE后再次配置。 不行
目前学校的研究生论文格式要求不够详细,不知道在弄latex模板时,能否参考其他高校模板,和研究生院对论文格式进一步细化 [清华大学研究生学位论文写作指南(202007).pdf](https://github.com/tuna/thuthesis/files/4929046/202007.pdf) [上海交通大学硕士学位论文格式模板.pdf](http://www.sugli.sjtu.edu.cn/upload/file/20211011/20211011112343.pdf)
The same problem occurs in both texts in \DIFdel and \DIFadd in TeX Live 2022 on Ubuntu. \DIFdel  \DIFadd 
>  > > Same problem in mac texlive 2021 老哥你最后有解决吗? @jiaqiwang969
> Hi, this seems to be something to do with encoding. Which Python version are you using? I recall that "MATLAB engine for Python" supports python 2.7, which might cause...
> Could you give an example of what input model and what the output in latex formatting looks like (with a screenshot too?). > > PRs for this are welcome!...
@snimu Thanks for your suggestion on torchview. I just tried it, and it is excellent. But I need to customize the figure whici it returns to conform to my thesis...