Addresses two things: 1) Able to specify multiple train ranges in the config file 2) Cross Validation implementation on the Python end
Adds a test for the python end for logistic regression (i.e checks if the accuracy increases beyond a certain threshold).
SKLearn model objects provide a predict function that lets the user provide input for predictions/evaluations on the trained model. Cirrus should do that as well.
Currently, our experiments only terminate when the user calls stop in the python interface. We should have an option to set a limit, so that the experiment automatically stops when...
Added a softmax model and integrated it with the PS. Uploaded the mnist dataset to S3, and the SoftmaxTask uses S3 for the dataset.
Instead of displaying cost per experiment, the cost graph now displays total cost of all experiments.
There are issues with the python frontend when the plotly version is 3.1.0. The plotly version has to be exactly 2.7.0 to work.