
Results 8 comments of yangmi

TypeError: Cannot read property 'chain' of null at Object.invoke_cc.invoke_chaincode (/root/todo-list-fabricV1/todo-list-fabric-server/utils/fc_wrangler/invoke_cc.js:37:19) at Object.fcw.invoke_chaincode (/root/todo-list-fabricV1/todo-list-fabric-server/utils/fc_wrangler/index.js:29:13) at Object.toodles_chaincode.invoke_function (/root/todo-list-fabricV1/todo-list-fabric-server/utils/toodles_cc_lib.js:23:7) at /root/todo-list-fabricV1/todo-list-fabric-server/server.js:113:14 at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/root/todo-list-fabricV1/todo-list-fabric-server/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5) at next (/root/todo-list-fabricV1/todo-list-fabric-server/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:137:13) at Route.dispatch (/root/todo-list-fabricV1/todo-list-fabric-server/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:112:3) at...

Is there anyone can use the card.io library for scan Non-payment cards?

> Ok - 1 day to build multiparty on Windows, 1 hour to build on Ubuntu:), weekend to build and run multiparty tests on iOS on armv7 and aarch64 and...

> Solved: > > * needed to build gmp for iOS and link it to my Swift project as a static lib. > * Managed to run and call the...

> add a mode (validators auto filled list), and a manual list of beneficiary can you give me an example?

> I'm using "http://localhost:3040/v1" as url but it alerts > > { "status": false, "error": { "message": "The requested endpoint was not found. please make sure to use "[http://localhost:3040/v1\](http://localhost:3040/v1%5C)" as...