Yan Minari

Results 83 issues of Yan Minari

Solution: Named Parameters in Table Here's one simple implementation (-- RiciLake): ``` function interp(s, tab) return (s:gsub('($%b{})', function(w) return tab[w:sub(3, -2)] or w end)) end print( interp("${name} is ${value}", {name...


This probably would require something like lfs, but it would make disabling plugins easier. We could then use an env var like `$DISABLED_PLUGINS` containing a json array of disabled plugins...


Looking at the logs, both Bungeecord and Glowstone are receiving the correct player IP: ``` 06:28:30 [INFO] [/] InitialHandler has connected 06:28:30 [INFO] [TheticalFlyer97] ServerConnector [lobby] has connected ``` ```...

help wanted
Type: inconsistency
Priority: minor
Category: server feature

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4412002/123562162-4304ae80-d783-11eb-8326-863fcad906a9.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4412002/123562170-4ac45300-d783-11eb-97e6-0bab1e515514.png) Reproduces when running img either inside podman or docker, only on this specific machine of mine (all my other servers are running the same version of nixOS and...

I couldn't find a solid reproduction for this, but there appears to be some correlation to the amount of concurrent build jobs running for the same project on CI but...



I have some x86 and some arm runners so it would be cool if `r.j3ss.co/img` served multi-arch images. I couldn't find the image build script for this img but I...

Because gpu hot plugging between the host and guest vms is not always possible and given microvm allows for the guest nixOS to be very integrated with the host nixOS,...

When a request contains either the `X-Forwarded-For` or `Forwarded` headers and the originating host is trusted, the client IP should be derived from there instead. There needs to be a...
