Hua Yanghao
Hua Yanghao
Note: this minimal example is not as strong as the full blown program, which not only hangs on ara-2-lanes but also ara-4-lanes. And it seems there is a pattern that...
I see the vrgather test by default is disabled (not even compiling), and a simple try-out of vrgather causes the simulation to error out. does ara support vrgather already? Thanks.
There are 4 changes: 1. Using strict_undefined mako template mode to ease the template debugging 2. Return the exception stack as bytes to the client so you can see the...
It seems pyvcd does not allow register var after time zero: ``` File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/vcd/", line 214, in register_var raise VCDPhaseError('Cannot register after time 0.') vcd.writer.VCDPhaseError: Cannot register after time 0....