
Results 10 comments of yangh-zzf-itcast

> No, you're confusing two different things. You would need to allocate a second buffer in order to rotate a non-square image, which is one of your possible solutions --...


> 这个项目没有涉及到手掌ROI处理的逻辑,下载的数据都是流行的掌纹数据集,比如PolyU,同济大学掌纹数据集等等。 > 关于掌纹ROI的处理可以看我的[RobustPalmRoi](https://github.com/Leosocy/RobustPalmRoi)项目 可以公布一下同济大学98%识别率的参数设置么哥?我一直调不出来

> 你好,请问同济大学的原始数据集是在那里下载的?可以分享一下链接吗?谢谢! 兄弟同济大学的能否复现到作者说的水平。感觉达不到啊。。


> CCPD的数据 [2021-05-03 22:51:18,529][train_LPRNet.py][line:311][INFO] Epoch:116 || epochiter: 45/277|| Totel iter 31900 || Loss: 0. 0347||Batch time: 0.2164 sec. ||LR: 0.00010000 [2021-05-03 22:51:41,751][train_LPRNet.py][line:417][INFO] [Info] Test Accuracy: 0.9659668508287292 [4371:73:81:4525] [2021-05-03 22:51:41,751][train_LPRNet.py][line:418][INFO] [Info]...

> In the case of python3, I just change the > > ` with open(args.model) as f:` > > to > > `with open(args.model,'rb') as f:` > > then the...

> I found the email link of the author: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), and sent the email address of the requested data set to the author. The author has replied to me. You...