hello! have great insteresting about your work。For depth monitoring, you use a depth set trained on other networks(depth_dense) to monitor vis_depth, but I noticed that there is a velodyne file...
Hello, I found a "mean_size" in the model parameter you disclosed, but the code I trained you did not have this parameter. May I ask how this "mean_size" is defined?
Hello, may I ask if the visualization in Figure 5 is directly output and drawn by attn_output_weights.sum(dim=1)/num_heads of depth cross-attention layer? Why is the picture drawn by my trained model...
Hello, you mentioned in your paper that "object queries into Q and the depth embeddings into K and V by linear layers" in your cross-attention, But I see in your...
Hello and thanks for your great work! I want to visualize the attention diagram in the dtr, and I would like to ask if the value of attention is the...
Thank you for your wonderful work! I would like to ask about the "Our method outperforms generic image generation baselines, and the extracted hand poses from our HOI synthesis are...