在 ItemClusterRecommender.predict函数中 protected double predict(int userIdx, int itemIdx) throws LibrecException { double pred = 0; for (int k = 0; k < numTopics; k++) { double pi_k = itemTopicProbs.get(itemIdx, k);...
linux上发现进入 lib/目录下才能执行 librec rec -exec -D rec.recommender.class=globalaverage 执行后没有输出文件 在../result?、 执行的日志输出(../log/librec.log)和屏幕输出是这样的: bin $ librec rec -exec -D rec.recommender.class=globalaverage 18/08/23 21:14:38 INFO TextDataConvertor: Dataset: [../data/filmtrust/rating] 18/08/23 21:14:39 INFO TextDataConvertor: DataSet: ...data/filmtrust/rating/ratings_0.txt is...
in use_dictnet.py line 21: I have 1st error, I think it should be open('dict2_architecture.json') line 26: I have 2nd error, I think it should be self.model.load_weights('dict2_weights.h5') line 51: I have...