Kui Yang
Kui Yang
Totally agree with @gpdaniels . I read the txt vocabulary file in orb_slam2 and then save it to binary format using Vocabulary::save. When i tried to load the binary vocabulary...
@odiseo123 I don't think Vocabulary::save can save a file in plain txt format, as we can see here [https://github.com/yang3kui/DBow3/blob/master/src/Vocabulary.cpp#L1032](url) The suffix ".txt" is ignored and the vocabulary is saved in...
I am also very glad to see that this bug has already been fixed in a recent commit [b4163da0c7ba30e67e54470db0c6b103bf104e7b.](https://github.com/rmsalinas/DBow3/commit/b4163da0c7ba30e67e54470db0c6b103bf104e7b). I think this issue can be closed now.
@odiseo123 as i said, use ` virtual void load(const cv::FileStorage &fs, const std::string &name = "vocabulary");` instead of `void load_fromtxt(const std::string &filename);` currently, dbow3 ignores the suffix ".txt" and save...
@odiseo123 It is glad to see the txt format works. ORBSLAM2 do not support binary format by default. Therefore, `bool bVocLoad = mpVocabulary->loadFromTextFile(strVocFile);` will not work for binary format. Technically,...
In my case, svo didnot select new keyframe because init_min_disparity was too big (50 by default). I have set it to 10 and now everything seems fine to me.