efcore-ext copied to clipboard
EFCore Extensions for batch-CRUD / cache / minor fix
Does MySql 5.7 support it
All NuGet packages uploaded to nuget.org will be signed with strong name key in this repo. This might be a breaking change because you can't partially upgrade the package version...
Let´s supose we try to do something like this: `context.Items.Join(context.InnerItems, item => item.Id, inner => inner.ItemId, (item, inner) => new { ItemName = item.Name, InnerName = inner.Name }).BatchDelete();` It will...
efcore-ext is usefull and awesome, can it support oracle in next version?
```csharp entityBuilder.Property(e => e.NonNullProperty).IsRequired(); string someNull = null; context.Entities.Where(e => e.NonNullProperty == someNull).BatchUpdateAsync(e => new Entity { ... }); ``` This may lead to the predicate section translated as a...