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EFCore Extensions for batch-CRUD / cache / minor fix


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Entity Framework Core extensions: Batch (Delete, Update, Insert Into Select, Merge Into, Upsert).

PLEASE NOTE THAT this extension doesn't affect the entity change tracking system. The delete operations and update operations won't take care of tracked entities. This is aimed at no-tracking updates.

Some features like shadow properties update, value conversion hasn't been tested. PRs about the testcases are welcome.

Current version supports EFCore 3.1, 5.0 and 6.0.

Targeting netstandard2.0 and used on EFCore 3.1 projects. Targeting netstandard2.1 and used on EFCore 5.0 projects. Targeting net6.0 and used on EFCore 6.0 projects.

  • : EFCore Bulk extension definition
  • : InMemory bulk operation provider
  • : Basis of Relational providers
  • : SqlServer bulk operation provider
  • : Npgsql bulk operation provider
  • : Sqlite bulk operation provider
  • : MySQL bulk operation provider

When you want to split EFCore definition and database type, you may reference to XiaoYang.EntityFrameworkCore.Bulk in your storage implementation project, and reference to XiaoYang.EntityFrameworkCore.Bulk.SqlServer in your host startup project.

Setup in project

Configure this when creating an DbContext with DbContextOptionsBuilder.

options.UseSqlServer(connectionString, b => b.UseBulk());
options.UseNpgsql(connectionString, s => s.UseBulk());
options.UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName, o => o.UseBulk());
options.UseSqlite(connection, o => o.UseBulk());
options.UseMySql(connection, o => o.ServerVersion(..).UseBulk());

For MySQL, setting ServerVersion is important, which is not explicitly passed with arguments in EFCore 3.1.

For PostgreSQL, you can attach .UseLegacyDateTimeOffset() after .UseBulk() to use the legacy DateTimeOffset behavior.

For Microsot SQL Server, you can attach .UseMathExtensions() after .UseBulk() to use Math.Max/Min function.

If you want to try TableSplittingJoinsRemoval to remove useless self-joins, which tries to remove the redundant self-joins when using owned entity in EFCore 3.1, you may try


The InMemory project is only used for unit tests, which is not efficient and may behave a little different from the relational providers.


affectedRows = context.Items
    .Where(a => something.Contains(a.Id))

Update: Delta or SetValue

affectedRows = context.Items
    .Where(a => a.ItemId <= 500)
    .BatchUpdate(a => new Item { Quantity = a.Quantity + 100 });

affectedRows = context.ItemAs.BatchUpdateJoin(
    inner: context.ItemBs,
    outerKeySelector: a => a.Id,
    innerKeySelector: b => b.Id,
    condition: (a, b) => a.Id == 1, // can be null
    updateSelector: (a, b) => new ItemA { Value = a.Value + b.Value - 3 });

SelectInto: Repeat entities

createdRows = context.Items
    .Where(a => a.ItemId <= 500)
    .Select(a => new OtherItem { ...other props except auto increment key... })

Upsert: Update or insert

    insertExpression: s => new Target { Key1 = s.Key1, Key2 = s.Key2, NormalProp = s.NormalProp },
    updateExpression: (existing, excluded) => new Target { ... });

The sourceQuery can be one of the following items:

  • IQueryable<TSource>
  • Local enumerable of TSource
  • single anonymous object (deprecated)

Note that the conflict constraint is primary key or alternative key, so you should set an identifiable fields in insert expression.

The two entities in update expression are both of type TTarget, where the existing means the previous row in the database, and the excluded means the item not inserted. You can also fill null with this field, which means INSERT INTO IF NOT EXISTS.

    insertExpression: () => new Target { ... },
    updateExpression: existing => new Target { ... });

For upserting only one entity, please consider the second usage.

Merge: Upsert / Synchronize

var newVals = new[] // note that should be distinct with keys!
    new { AId = 1, BId = 2, Something = "hello" },
    new { AId = 2, BId = 3, Something = "world" },

    sourceTable: newVals, // IEnumerable<f<>__AnonymousObject> or other IQueryable
    targetKey: item => new { item.AId, BId = item.TId },
    sourceKey: src => new { src.AId, src.BId },
    updateExpression: (item, src) => new Item { Description = item.Description + src.Something }, // can be null
    insertExpression: src => new Item { AId = src.AId, TId = src.BId, Description = src.Something }, // can be null, and ignore identity pkey
    delete: false); // when not matched by source, useful in sync

Note that when update/insert expressions are null, delete is true, it will become truncate.

This function is only available in InMemory and SqlServer providers, since PostgreSQL removed supports for SQL MERGE, while SQLite and MySQL doesn't support this.

Compiled Query

You can use EF.CompileQuery or EF.CompileAsyncQuery for the extension methods appeared in this project.

Developing this project

For release codes, please refer to branch LKG.

The branch dev may not work properly.

This project is inspired by borisdj's EFCore.BulkExtensions.