Yusuke Ando
Yusuke Ando
He noticed what it is. https://twitter.com/ooharabucyou/status/362172405872992256
The command "wget http://selenium.googlecode.com/files/selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar" failed and exited with 8 during .
- bump cakephp to available latest without breakiing. - bump php version to meaningful range.
seems the project has been migrated. https://packagist.org/packages/ensepar/tcpdf
we have entire framework of CakePHP on our codebase. ideally we should install cake from composer, and create composite zip/tar ball as build step.
to accept PR from community, we need to have more integration test by Selenium side. currently we have only instalation steps and creating first issue. https://github.com/yandod/candycane/tree/master/app/Test/Case/Selenium
これらの翻訳を都度、上流へプッシュするのは大変ですし、翻訳部分をComposerライブラリにして composer.json からインストールするような形に出来ないでしょうか?
Readme should be explaining docker based setup, test and run game.