Tim Ermilov

Results 88 comments of Tim Ermilov

That sounds like a pretty dangerous operation that might result in some unwanted removals. What would be the use case?

@RegEM it should be relatively easy to deploy it using docker-compose file. although I'm not sure how useful that is. better approach might be to create Exoframe recipe for openfaas,...

@RegEM I've not used openfaas myself, but as far as I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) - it's intended to run functions in a could. So, I'm not sure...

@RegEM I feel like I don't know enough about openfaas to talk here - I'll read a bit more about openfaas and will come back to you 🤔

@alexellis this is awesome! thank you! ❤️ definitely will do once I get to it 😄

Apparently, jest currently doesn't support ES module mocking (see https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/10025), so server rewrite is blocked on that feature. Upd 1: ~Possible solution - use [esm](https://github.com/standard-things/esm) package as transformer?~ Doesn't work...

I wanted to use Ink for new cli, but it seems like it also has issues with ES modules support (`import-jsx` package specifically). So CLI is also blocked 🙃 ~Possible...

Great collection of [CLI websites](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26878936) on HN, ones I like most: - [Poetry.py](https://python-poetry.org/) - [Starship.rs](https://starship.rs/) - [Github CLI](https://cli.github.com/) - [Httpie](https://httpie.io/) - [Tldr pages](https://tldr.sh/) Frameworks for docs that looks nice: -...

Alright, few months later - doesn't seem like native ESM support in Node.js ecosystem is going to happen anytime soon. Will probably scrap the plan to use pure ESM and...

Initial server rewrite to ESM is finished 🎉 Things to keep in mind: - Current implementation uses `--experimental-json-modules` to import JSON (can be easily refactored) - Tests require `--experimental-vm-modules` flag...