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OpenFAAS integration

Open RegEM opened this issue 6 years ago • 10 comments

Hi Tim, Wondering if you're familiar with openfaas, and if so have considered running exoframe in it? Richard

RegEM avatar Jun 06 '18 00:06 RegEM

I believe I would need to set exoframeNetwork, and exoframeNetworkSwarm to match the swarm created by faas, presuming it is docker swarm. I have an example compose file for faas that shows how to incorporate Traefik, so I suspect the same treatment could be done to deploy exoframe. https://github.com/openfaas/faas/issues/643

RegEM avatar Jun 06 '18 01:06 RegEM

@RegEM it should be relatively easy to deploy it using docker-compose file. although I'm not sure how useful that is. better approach might be to create Exoframe recipe for openfaas, and exoframe template for openfaas functions - then you'd be able to do exoframe setup openfaas and exoframe deploy myfunc. At least in theory - that should be possible 🤔

yamalight avatar Jun 06 '18 08:06 yamalight

For a lark, I spun up exoframe within faas, on aws docker swarm.

I didn't have any access to exoframe, so I terminated it. I don't know exactly how it works, but the prometheus portion of faas setup started to restart exoframe automatically. So I guess that would be the one of the benefits of running exoframe within faas. That and the logging features.

Could be I'm a dog barking up the wrong tree, but if I get it working either way, I'll post my results. I had already started looking closer at the exoframe templates. But hadn't considered using it the way you suggest though.

RegEM avatar Jun 06 '18 12:06 RegEM

@RegEM I've not used openfaas myself, but as far as I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) - it's intended to run functions in a could. So, I'm not sure if it makes sense to run Exoframe inside of openfaas 🤔

yamalight avatar Jun 06 '18 15:06 yamalight

@yamalight I've barely srcatched the surface with either exoframe or openfaas, so please take my comments in that light.

I see faas deploying via dockerfile templates. One of the templates is for a dockerfile, as opposed to the various language functions(go, node, c#, ruby, python). Either way they use a base image, and then point at the 'function'. I believe the function can be any executable that the image supports. Faas wraps the function in a basic http service. Logs the request, and monitors that the container is running, restarting or spawning copies if necessary.

Whereas, if I understand correctly, exoframe builds and deploys images. I guess my intuition was pointing towards integrating exoframe into faas, for the build capability.

I was on the Hwy all day, so have been thinking about what I think I understand, and what I need to learn. It could be that what I need to build can be scripted quite easily into faas. Need to do some more experimenting.

My prior comment probably leans more towards running exoframe concurrently with faas. I believe that is quite possible, but for sure it might not be terrible useful.

RegEM avatar Jun 06 '18 23:06 RegEM

@RegEM I feel like I don't know enough about openfaas to talk here - I'll read a bit more about openfaas and will come back to you 🤔

yamalight avatar Jun 07 '18 15:06 yamalight


Let us know on Slack if we can help https://docs.openfaas.com/community 👋


alexellis avatar Jan 12 '19 19:01 alexellis

@alexellis this is awesome! thank you! ❤️ definitely will do once I get to it 😄

yamalight avatar Jan 12 '19 19:01 yamalight

You may also like the hands on labs https://github.com/openfaas/workshop

alexellis avatar Jan 12 '19 20:01 alexellis

I follow your feeds Alex. Terrific project. Congrats on the success.

I am really liking the katacoda playground. I see they currently have three scenarios for openfaas. https://www.katacoda.com/learn?q=openfaas&hPP=12&idx=scenarios&p=0&is_v=1#playgrounds

RegEM avatar Jan 12 '19 21:01 RegEM