
Results 7 comments of yamahmed

I just checked the code provided here https://mui.com/joy-ui/react-input/#floating-label and i suggest modifying 3 things : 1)Add a transition for the opacity of the placeholder text in the StyledInput component. 2)...

What if we need to adjust the styling component accordingly to a button instead of a Select or input component? i think this will work

Hey @rgavrilov i have two suggestions you can try: 1)You can provide a default non-empty value for the Select component. 2)You can conditionally render the InputLabel based on whether the...

Hey Olivier, i suggest we create a custom hook that provides more control over the initialization process. i'll provide an example of how to do it

![Capture d’écran 2024-04-23 193500](https://github.com/mui/material-ui/assets/94612854/3df1866a-e427-4c13-b5ac-e6554e9163be)

![Capture d’écran 2024-04-23 193542](https://github.com/mui/material-ui/assets/94612854/1a5791c4-5cc7-4f60-8bff-bdf2de70c46c)

In this custom hook 'useAccurateColorScheme', we use the useState and useEffect hooks to manage the state of the accurate color scheme. The useEffect hook runs after the component mounts and...