Artem Yakovlev

Results 9 comments of Artem Yakovlev

I have the same question, currently trying to figure out how to place something on the sphere and add tap even to it. "to go through doors in a photo"....

@elibendavid @OlegPanfyorov @leo1mml I was required to add hotspots to panoramas of the interior, to simulate navigation in the apartments. For this, I added CTPanoramaView as files, and after it,...

@elibendavid You need to read more info about SKScene and SKNode. As you found in CTPanoramaView source code, it generates a SKScene with 2 objects in it: sphere/cylinder -- an...

@KamaNext Please check the comments above: - - They include most of required info, to get the base for future source code. Here is info about SKNode:

@SulimanHussain Please check Raywenderlich post about detecting objects from CameraNode in SKScene(in case if you need to detect taps on the SKNode object). Also, they described how to add image...

> > @yakovlev0509 Please check the comments above: > > > > * [Use the sphere to add buttons or views at a specific point in the photo. #25 (comment)](

@KamaNext try something like this: ``` //your CTPanoramaView var panoramaWalkView: CTPanoramaView //setup child node let material = SCNMaterial() material.diffuse.contents = UIImage(named: spot["yourNodeImageName"]!) material.isDoubleSided = true // Optional let planeGeometry =...

@KamaNext > Friend, please help me, I can't add an object in any way, I'm trying to use your instructions and I get errors Please share more info

> @yakovlev0509 public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: aDecoder) commonInit() } > > ``` > public override init(frame: CGRect) { > super.init(frame: frame) > commonInit() > } > eror...