WithQuery is too will not help. Use https://github.com/rap2hpoutre/fast-excel you can use chunk for export and import
How i solve this error: Just comment: vendor/box/spout/src/Spout/Writer/XLSX/Manager/WorksheetManager.php **272 line** //throw new InvalidArgumentException('Trying to add a value that exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed in a cell (32,767)');
> Did you solve a problem introducing another probably problem, did you tried to dump the cells that exceed the 32767 characters? What inside? You were right, inside was big...
> try this: createMetaManager(false, { meta: { tag: 'meta', nameless: true }, }) Thank you! It Works!
> @yakhyomus any luck? In vuejs you can't dynamically update meta tags, now i'm using vuejs 2