
Results 290 comments of yahiheb

> Simply copy whitespace after 30 seconds or so, password managers do this too. What if the user copies something else 10 seconds after copying the recovery words? We erase...

For reference this PR #9467 tried to implement this for Windows.

Norbo's PR.

Fixed by #1247

> @yahiheb, were you envisioning something like one of the images below? The first image. I think this one is better with discreet mode off: ![Capturesss](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52379387/201498094-cc871f83-30d6-46ed-aac4-4bd1361d2636.PNG) > Also, I just...

> This should work: > npm install > npm update > npm run start Yes it worked.

I have noticed that you removed `:::details` so the FAQs are not longer expandable. Why is that?

@CAnorbo I deleted `.idea` folder to leave it out of source control.

This PR also fixes #1342 and #1339 because expandable items were removed https://github.com/zkSNACKs/WasabiDoc/pull/1247#issuecomment-1320968300