
Results 290 comments of yahiheb

> here #1132 if that is merged, I can add the links to walletgeneration https://github.com/zkSNACKs/WasabiDoc/pull/1132#issuecomment-1207575548

> for the `Receive Address` image, I would use a mainnet address instead of tesnet. to prevent confusion I agree with this.

Open a new PR to edit the master branch

> Thoughts about [BackupBestPractices.md](https://github.com/zkSNACKs/WasabiDoc/blob/master/docs/using-wasabi/BackupBestPractices.md) and [PasswordBestPractices.md](https://github.com/zkSNACKs/WasabiDoc/blob/master/docs/using-wasabi/PasswordBestPractices.md)? Good as is or should it be stripped/simplified? @MaxHillebrand @yahiheb @MarnixCroes I would leave it as it is. > Questions: > > 1. In...

@BTCparadigm If you want make a new PR to the master branch.

Don't open new branches in the repo.

@VAM88 As a side note, this the documentation repository, and thus Wasabi Wallet related issues should be open here https://github.com/zkSNACKs/WalletWasabi/discussions/categories/support

The first link is about Coldcard only, I think you wanted to share this link instead: https://youtu.be/JKfPjKXcsAw

> - https://youtu.be/0tSIOUAKDyY > - https://youtu.be/LTvTK0J1hRI > - https://youtu.be/De1m-XXuMtA I meant the first link which its title says `Understand Coldcard's "Danger Zone"`.

I am in favor of removing them as well, but I understand that maybe most users know about them, and it is easier for people reading the docs to understand...