> Congratulation! Glad to here that you're success to install macOS on Dell G7. Here is my answers for your questions: > > 1. Just because of 99% so the...
> Ok I got it. There is an issue that there is no read/write permission. Maybe because of my fault last year when I was making the HiDPI script...🥲 Please...
> for ALC256 on Dell laptops, id 14 is the best choice because the output is very good and it has subwoofer. > If you plugged any sound device to...
> Yes I tried. There is no way to enable Nvidia card because it is Optimus card 🥲 That's sad =(, but at least I can boot to Windows 11...
> > Yes I tried. There is no way to enable Nvidia card because it is Optimus card 🥲 > > That's sad =(, but at least I can boot...
> About Wake from USB, first make sure you have already enabled Wake from USB in BIOS. Then search on Dortania site, there is a fix about wake from usb...
> That's weird... 🥲 > > 1. It awakes automatically because maybe there is a USB device or power states change while sleeping, but that's pretty weird because I have...