new version of [crytic-compile](https://github.com/crytic/crytic-compile) change something, resulting in errors in `_extract_bin_obj` of `input_helper.py`. Specified `crytic-compile` version in `setup.py` (0.1.8)
[0xf70d589d76eebdd7c12cc5eec99f8f6fa4233b9e.sol](https://github.com/smartbugs/smartbugs/blob/master/dataset/unchecked_low_level_calls/0xf70d589d76eebdd7c12cc5eec99f8f6fa4233b9e.sol) ( `unchecked_low_level_calls` ) , `vulnerable_at_lines` should be `44` rather than `45` .
https://github.com/Messi-Q/GraphDeeSmartContract/blob/9da153e31c090c6ec95af4d618b0794661830971/graph_extractor_example/graph2vec.py#L4 `reentrancy` seems to be missing from the source code. And, how can I process the other datasets? How to get vectors for other source codes?
**CARLA version:** 0.9.13 **Platform/OS:** Linux, Ubuntu 20.04 **Problem you have experienced:** Try to modify the control of Ego during record playing, but not work. **What you expected to happen:** Ego...
Hi, I'm running the simulator and it's stuck and keeps saying "Connecting to https://wise.svlsimulator.com". LGSVL has closeed and I have a feeling that it won't connect successfully.Could you please help...