Results 26 issues of Yael Ben-Haim

### Environment - **Qiskit Terra version**: 0.20.0 - **Python version**: 3.9.5 - **Operating system**: Linux ### What is happening? Fake backends' behavior is sometimes different from their corresponding real devices....

mod: fake_provider

`Job.result()` is defined as We've noticed that `IBMQJob.result()` raises an exception for jobs that failed when they were executed, whereas `AerJob.result()` does not fail but returns a valid value...

`result.get_statevector` belongs to the old Aer interface, where we had separate qasm and statevector simulators. With the move to Aer 0.8, the instruction `save_statevector` was correctly added to the tutorials,...

### Information - **Qiskit Aqua version**: master, stable - **Python version**: 3.6.8 - **Operating system**: Linux ### What is the current behavior? Running QAOA with the master branch takes 10...

### Informations - **Qiskit AER version**: 0.10.4 - **Operating system**: Linux ### What is the current behavior? Suppose that a job fails. For example, it contains a circuit with gates...

### What is the expected behavior? We have a use case where the initial state is a basis state. Right now we have two options: 1. Using the `initialize` instruction....


### What is the expected behavior? `sample_measure` returns `s` measurement results, where `s` denotes the number of shots. Current implementation take `O(s * 2^n)` run time. #819 improves it to...


### What is the expected behavior? For expectation value with `variance=True`, the simulator should perform measurements instead of direct calculation of the expectation value. And calculate the variance of course....


### What is the expected behavior? Use Fisher Information techniques to characterize (e.g. T1) using less shots with the same accuracy.


### What is the expected behavior? Use techniques from estimation theory to pick data points for accurate estimation of characterization parameters. Specifically, pick points that maximize the Fisher information, according...
