[FIRING:1] ETL_ParserPanicNonZero An ETL parser panicked aef-etl--traceroute--parser-20191121t163921-8jvx Bugs cause panics. This bug should be fixed. Parsers run in AppEngine. Check logs to see the panic stack trace. Identify the archive...
Design doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F5wJ_eU__EaX8vk7VYXJzzfJZhkUzZ0L9GIZBDudyZA/edit# Some initial discussion: https://github.com/m-lab/etl/pull/880 Proposal by Stephen (copied from PR above): The objective of the "Standard Top-level BigQuery Columns" design is to clearly delineate between: raw columns...
SELECT * FROM `mlab-oti.ndt.traceroute` WHERE Parseinfo.TaskFileName = "gs://archive-measurement-lab/ndt/traceroute/2019/11/02/20191102T020000.909108Z-traceroute-mlab4-lhr05-ndt.tgz" LIMIT 1000 Row | partition_date | uuid | TestTime | Parseinfo.TaskFileName | Parseinfo.ParseTime | Parseinfo.ParserVersion | Parseinfo.Filename | start_time | stop_time |...
Processed 723 files, 0 nil data, 0 rows committed, 722 failed, from gs://archive-measurement-lab/ndt/ndt5/2019/11/12/20191112T201953.499657Z-ndt5-mlab3-syd02-ndt.tgz into ndt5_20191112 Failure rate sounds very high for a single tarball