
Results 9 comments of z0mbi3

Well I've found solution, but seems like lg model is better for me. it took 0.08 sec for lg model with [384, 512] size, 0.06 for sm model with the...

@Larpoux Hi, Is it also possible to play the pcm file while recording using recordToStream?

try to add `"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true`, to your `tsconfig.json` file. it worked for me

Thanks for the quick reply! I've successfully run but have error with opencv now :( Loading weights from openpose.weight...Done! forward fee: 696.37ms OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (ssize.width > 0 &&...

Happy new year :) Yeah I think there is problem with the resizing with outw and outh, I've forced to change the size in run_darknet.c and it shows images, but...

I tried with cudnn enabled for my darknet and it works perfect now! :+1:

@HongSungMoon Hi Sungmoon, As I commented before it should running in GPU mode. Make sure you enable your cudnn as well from your darknet Makefile :)

@HongSungMoon It's cuda 8.0 cudnn 5.1, if you take a look at Makefile of darknet there is setting for enabling cudnn. `GPU=1 CUDNN=1 OPENCV=1 OPENMP=0 DEBUG=0 ` And build your...

Similar error for me on web only. Works fine on android device. TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of undefined `Module.../../../react-native-snap-carousel/src/carousel/Carousel.js ` `> 46 | containerCustomStyle: ViewPropTypes ? ViewPropTypes.style : View.propTypes.style,...