I haven't read the source code yet. I ran the demo, and found that the head pose estimation is not supported, which confirmed in the results of the experimental section...
Hi! Thank you for your great work. I wanted to improve RetinaNet project in detectron2/projects by replacing "retinanet_resnet_fpn_backbone" with "retinanet_vovnet_fpn_backbone". However, I always encounterd "loss NaN" in period of less...
I downloaded the offical data for milk. According to the documentation, I ran run_custom.py in both mode run_video and mode global_refine, and obtained textured_mesh.obj and texture.png. However, the generated texture...
I want to to reconstruct and get a mesh with texture by Bundlesdf. The reconstructed texture seems incorrect, even though I followed the documentation and downloaded the official data(milk) to...