Results 11 issues of y0zg

Hello, I'd like to have the option to see different mappings (based on grok pattern) for the same index pattern (without switching **Settings** index pattern button) . Please let me...

### Host operating system: output of `uname -a` Ubuntu ### blackbox_exporter version: output of `blackbox_exporter --version` 5.3.1 ### What is the blackbox.yml module config. ```yaml modules: http_2xx: http: follow_redirects: true...

Hello, I haven't found this error in issues, so wonder if this is something cluster specific or I missed any parameter. Thank you ``` kubectl-debug pod Error: ephemeral containers are...

I'd like to have bearer token in browser instead of cookies which will be used further to access backend. Please share where this is possible

Can I use this plugin and MFA with jenkins **role** in input? I have crossaccount access between roles and would like to use MFA for production deployments


Cloned: When running Spring 2.6.3 we are still seeing this error. ``` Duplicate accept detected. This is a known OS bug. Please consider reporting that you are affected:

Does this plugin support blue-green deployment approach?

descheduler version: v0.27.1 helm chart version: 0.27.1 **Does this issue reproduce with the latest release?** Haven't tested **Which descheduler CLI options are you using?** ``` Command: /bin/descheduler Args: --policy-config-file /policy-dir/policy.yaml...


is it possible to use helm-docs for helmfile

Hi @dgn , It seems this approach doesn't work with istio 1.7, probably you know some workarounds ``` istioctl version client version: 1.7.2 control plane version: 1.7.2 data plane version:...