
Results 8 comments of XuZhuFan

I uploaded a short video of the problem. Could you please see if it is the problem of the head method rendering or other configuration requirements

OK, then I will attach the code

https://github.com/xzfnn/jkeedu-m, This is the project link. The novice uses nuxt for the first time and wants to make a static web page and put it on the server, but I...

Use the command npm run generate

> Yes, I set the head on each page separately, because when I try to set the head method in nuxt.config.js, the title will always be garbled, while I set...

> 问题是字符集是在标记之后设置的。`` > > 确切的问题在这里:https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/2.x/packages/vue-renderer/src/renderers/ssr.js#L133。标题始终设置在元之前。 Ok, thank you for your patience. I tried to migrate to nuxt3. I wish you a happy life

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/58756175/217502518-0a032472-b4c9-4e84-a555-dd900b9336a5.png) nuxt打包后这个头部乱码,内容不乱,请问要在哪里配置

> Would you provide a [reproduction](https://nuxt.com/docs/community/reporting-bugs/#create-a-minimal-reproduction)? 🙏 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/58756175/217692811-c27d823f-3e4e-4e3a-90ea-c6854f41f853.png) 本地不乱码,但是放到服务器上面网页源码也是乱的