Will zed consider a live_grep similar to fzf or vscode's new added quick search? If I just want a specific location that way is much efficient than glance through multi-buffer...
> > In VSCode, I can filter out the file directory structure related to the search results in the sidebar based on the search results, so that I can get...
> 然后lazy.nvim的默认定位跳转是ctrl i/ ctril o,查了一下tab在历史上输入和shift i是等效的,所以就会导致一个问题,如果用做快捷键,会顶掉代码跳转的快捷键,在tmux场景下会失效 你可以试试`keymap("n", "", "", opts)`,把tab和c-i区分开
Like https://github.com/otavioschwanck/arrow.nvim/blob/63ec9a7fa880a771dd2376fd3428a00da910ffbb/lua/arrow/buffer_persist.lua#L139
I simply test by record duration between begining of complete() and where callback being called, it was 150ms before and 50ms now in init.lua file with debounce of 0. The...
> If you mean the animation of the window itself, then it's neovide_position_animation_length Yes, it is exactly what I mean. But I don't find this option in documentation on website.
If I set telescope winblend to 100, the font below floating window will not shadow, which is totally invisible if mutigrid is disabled, it is the biggest difference of neovidetransparency...
> There are many things here. > > 1. The horizontal lines. I'm not fully sure if it's a font problem or if we/skia is rendering Jetbrains Mono wrong, almost...
downloading this small tool https://www.fontsmoothingadjuster.com/ or run ```bash defaults -currentHost write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 0 ``` The startup time becomes instantly, Apple delete this option in Big Sur, thank you...