> hrsh7th's solution also didn't work for me. Eventually I foud workaround, by remapping Up/Down keys by cmp.select_next_item() / cmp.select_prev_item() ( similar to C-n and C-p ) and pressing Escape...
I think a workaround in snippet engine can help: ```lua snippet = { expand = function(args) if not expand then local function remove_bracket_contents(input) local pattern = "^(.*)%b().*$" local result =...
This is what you are looking for https://github.com/danielfalk/smart-open.nvim
I directly change the local file and implement the peek logic. You may check it and replace it with your installed version of .vscode/extensions/kbysiec.vscode-search-everywhere-2.1.0 https://github.com/xzbdmw/vscode-search-everywhere-local
Hi, I don’t know window local extmarks before, that’s nice, it may be used to shift the code in parent window while keep preview window unaffected. > Having [index/group/total] is...
Ok maybe related to attribute macros, but vscode handles this correctly with the same lsp setting.
> I also recently (aka up until just now) had the same/a similar problem. In my case the lua language server incorrectly set the project root to / which obviously...
kitty has a feature request for that just nobody works on it
I want to know is it possible to make font looks like chrome:)
I also found neovide font weight 500(jb mono) is almost identical to kitty font weight 400 in light background, they mention gamma in text-composition document too. And kitty can specify...