Xiaoyang LI
Xiaoyang LI
caffe.proto 中,在priorbox参数添加3个参数: repeated float fixed_size = 20; repeated float fixed_ratio = 21; repeated float density = 22;
could you please paste the log when creating the net? it should look like following: 0| 13:21:58.00045| 0.184s| 10| classification.cpp:115] create net to execute WAN| 13:21:58.00045| 0.184s| 10| net.cpp:643] Detect...
currently, we only support android. iOS lib will be enable in near feature with lite mode, we are still working on it
> For convenience, I just take an instance below. > If the shape of input tensor of conv op is [1, 32, 110, 94] ([N, C, H, W] order), >...
if you linked static lib in your project, please add "-Wl,--whole-archive ${anakin_lib_static} -Wl,--no-whole-archive" in "target_link_libraries" in your CMakeList
thanks for your issues, we will check it soon
thank you very much, and i am looking forward to testing on the new source.