Isuru Rajapakse

Results 13 comments of Isuru Rajapakse

Mirroring the conversation here Trying to use `kermit-koin`, ```kotlin implementation("co.touchlab:kermit-koin:1.1.2") ``` but im running into this ``` Could not resolve org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test:1.6.20. Required by: project :login > co.touchlab:kermit-koin:1.1.2 > co.touchlab:kermit-koin-jvm:1.1.2 project...

Working as intended 👍 Nice work @alialbaali

can't all `object`s be `data object`s by default? It would be nice to have that string representation even for normal objects

I think someone mentioned this is done so that it is backward compatible if someone was relying on the existing string representation for whatever reason If you are relying on...

I'm getting a crash when I try step 6 as seen on #50

I think this is the same issue I'm running into [here]( Will be watching this issue in the future

I'm also running into a similar issue here ``` > Task :app:ui:linkPodDebugFrameworkIosSimulatorArm64 e: /Applications/ invocation reported errors /Users/TFNX46/Developer/MULTIPLATFORM/PSCore-Multiplatform/app/ios/Pods/ld:1:1: object file (/var/folders/46/j7qr6bgj4f777vw39y0810d40000gp/T/included4393063786838865862/libskresources.a(libskresources.SkResources.o)) was built for newer iOS Simulator version (15.2) than...

For me this was fixed by setting the right deployment target ```kotlin cocoapods { .. framework { .. isStatic = true } ios.deploymentTarget = "14.1" } ``` Let me know...

Some of the DI use cases are already doable with just primary receiver _without_ using any context parameter/receivers, For example, ```kotlin class ApplicationScope( private val store: Store, private val httpClient:...

Thanks for the quick reply 🙂 unfortunately, I need this to be not internal for another multiplatform multimodule project where this `rememberRouter` exists in a `:core` module that each of...