
Results 18 issues of xx-zhang

## proj very great as i see i think this project is very great and i will do some using ur thoughts such as celery, query, db/config, pentes-tools and so...


比如 字段有 Service `ip, port, service, state` 选定 四个中任何几个的条件进行查询得到结果,在admin中怎么实现, `Service.objects.filter(ip='').filter(stat='open')` 这种通过用户点击对于的host, 对应的状态进行 filter列表的条件存储,进行下一阶段的过滤。

is there inital script for this programe to update source from `cti` att&ck files? and also i want to replace sqlite3 to pgsql.

bug太多, 1. 无故404;表单异常退出 2. api接口访问后无法持续保留 3. exam接口详情无法打开 4. 功能不齐全,增加相关的内容还需要 alter/update/delete 数据库操作;功能不完善。

我想这能在Linux下利用分布任务获取结果后存储到远程设备,通过web或者smb, smtp等协议访问到远程设备进行下载。

### Feature request i have using RWKV llm with langchian and everything is ok, but i don't know how to rewrite `_call` for add lora for my own RWKV Model,...

**功能描述 / Feature Description** 现在项目越来越不简洁了,尝鲜下个版本的就放另外一个分支,我们当前master版就不要有那么多没有用的目录。 。 **解决的问题 / Problem Solved** **实现建议 / Implementation Suggestions** 比如 views 可以创建一个vue-ui, 比如 lamma 的创建另外一个分支, fastchat要是用不上也不放上去, 还有texstspliter里面的还有个阿里云 要是不能用也不要,要是能用就用transformer改下否则还要额外装一个modscope. **替代方案 / Alternative Solutions** 描述您考虑过的替代方案 / Describe...


Error1: 如果启动异常报错 `protobuf` 需要更新到 `protobuf==3.18.3 ` ``` _message.Message._CheckCalledFromGeneratedFile() TypeError: Descriptors cannot not be created directly. If this call came from a _pb2.py file, your generated code is out of date...


linux socket like shell command audit ?

# Feature request ### What new feature do you want? - we can detect port:80 log4j attack(CVE-2021-44228) [socket attack] - we can detect port:80 service fingerprint is nginx-1.12.0 / tomcat8...