Check the logs in the weavenet container: docker logs -f . See if there is anything wrong.
Forwarded your comments to the VCAC-A dev team. As a workaround, do you have to install weavenet? If you have a 1-node setup that Kubernetes master is on your VCAC-A...
We can only build from a released version. Master can change overtime and break things. So we will adopt in the next gst release cycle.
Acknowledged. Working on your reqs to see what stacks can meet your needs.
The three projects you mentioned have their README.md for installation and configuration steps. SVT-HEVC: https://github.com/OpenVisualCloud/SVT-HEVC/blob/master/README.md WebRTC OWT: https://github.com/open-webrtc-toolkit/owt-server/blob/master/README.md CDN Transcoding Sample: https://github.com/OpenVisualCloud/CDN-Transcode-Sample/README.md. Can you highlight what are the specific issues...
@qwu16 will help you.
Please try the v20.4 branch. SVT-VP9 is enabled. v20.4 will be merged back to master soon.
More details please. What GPU device do you use? Currently the sample only supported the VCAC-A accelerator. To support other GPU devices, you have to extend the sample to use...
You have to try it. It should work.
I have a [branch](https://github.com/xwu2git/Smart-City-Sample/tree/e3) here. Not yet successful enabling inference. Something is missing.