Like the test in packege flightcontrol below: ``` func TestNoCancel(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() g := &Group[string]{} eg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(context.Background()) var r1, r2 string var counter int64 f := testFunc(100*time.Millisecond,...
Hello @samuelkarp, When I used fifo, I found a potential bug, I'm not sure, maybe we can discuss to avoid a goleak blocking position: if users use the OpenFilo()...
blocking position: The nDB.cancelCtx() is in the func clusterLeave(), when return err ,the cancelFunc can't get executed and the goroutine leak. You can reproduce the bug by making...
Hello @olljanat, the libnetwork is useful, but I found a bug when I used it, I think we can fix it. In the test file After the Init has...
Hello, I found a potential bug when I used the project, I'm not sure I'm right, we can discuss the problem to avoid a potential trouble possibly. Blocking position: