### Issue description 给consumer 配置一个自己开发的插件时,在 “Plugin Editor” 界面,无法进行下一步, 相关的 schema 检查也不生效 ### Expected behavior 应该像 其他内置auth 插件一样可以顺利添加 ### How to Reproduce 1. 拷贝 jwt-auth 插件 为 jwt-auth2 ,并修改代码内的 plugin_name ,...
I hereby granted the copyright of the changes in this pull request to the authors of this lua-resty-core project.
``` content_by_lua_block { local opts = {host = ""} local radix = require("resty.radixtree") local rx = radix.new({ { paths = {"/aa*"}, hosts = "", handler = function (ctx) ngx.say("pass") end...
**Describe the bug** The "ecc" output error message when compiling "runqlat", even though the "package.json" can be generated. ecc version: 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior:...
### Description Fixes # (issue) ### Checklist - [ ] I have explained the need for this PR and the problem it solves - [ ] I have explained the...