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Hi, I am running the code which are available on Tutorial but somehow I am getting the following error, when I run music_prop.cluster
Est.mouse.bulk = music_prop.cluster(bulk.eset = Mouse.bulk.eset, sc.eset = Mousesub.eset, group.markers = Immune.marker, group = 'clusterType', clusters = 'cellType', samples = 'sampleID', clusters.type = clusters.type)
Error in music_prop.cluster(bulk.eset = Mouse.bulk.eset, sc.eset = Mousesub.eset, : Cluster number is not matching!
In Xuran`s tutorial, IEmarkers represents a list of Immune cell and Epith cell marker, you need to create a list object including Epith.marker and Immune.marker which download from the last file of this page "" , An IEmarkers.RData. After you create a list object that i mentioned above, you should name the list , Epith.marker "C3", Immune.marker "C4", Then, you need to edit "clusters.type", and remove "C1", and "C2“ form list object "clusters.type" .
After I create a list object and name the list , Epith.marker "C3", Immune.marker "C4", Then, I also edit "clusters.type", and remove "C1", and "C2“ form list object "clusters.type" . when I run music_prop.cluster, I meet the follow error:
Error in if (sum(abs( - p.weight)) < eps) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
same issues