
Results 7 issues of xunreal75

**Description** On Android Simulator or on real device the location update is not working on listener on Background **Expected behavior** When app is going to background listener should be fired....


### Platform iOS >13.0 ### Plugin share_plus ### Version 4.0.8 ### Flutter SDK 3.0.0 ### Steps to reproduce on compile with Deploymentversion 13.0 .... /flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/share_plus-4.0.8/ios/Classes/FLTSharePlusPlugin.m:12:44: warning: 'keyWindow' is deprecated: first...


## Description Could you update the packages to actual flutter sdk and packages

Android 12 has following behavior when authorization is permitted to while in use, switch App to Background come back from Background after 30 sec Always permission will requested again. disabling...


connectanum in Flutter crashes because Websocket can't established on connect via dart.html

Caused by fh.s lateinit property serviceBindManager has not been initialized With an actual flutter version on Android 11-14 it seems, that the late initilize serviceBinding is not initialized. Please check...

Solves the problem if serviceBindmanager not initialized - crash reported often by crashlytics on Android 11,12,14