Hi, thanks for your great work! I am trying to use the l2l.optim.LearnableOptimizer to learn the learning rates, but I encountered an error in the second batch training: RuntimeError: one...
Hi, thanks for your work! I am interested in the unseen composition and unseen object zero-shot setting in FCL paper, and I am wondering where can I find the code...
Hi, could you pls provide the versions of the packages in requirements.txt? As I install fairseq, I encountered some issues, which are related to the torch package and pytorch-lightning package....
Hi thanks for sharing the code. In terms of the reported results of Ycbv dataset in the paper, I think the reported AUC_ADD(-S)/AUC_ADD-S corresponds to the AUC_PoseCNN_ADD/ADI in the code....
Hi, when I evaluate your trained model for eggbox on LMO, I encountered the following error. How can I fix this issue? Thanks!