the path of learning
the path of learning
苹果官网获取 apple connt
忘了传了 过段时间不忙了 我处理下
请自行编译jar包替换 docker的jar包有问题
> 我代码提不上来,直接403 挂代理试一下八成是被墙的问题
已知问题 下个版本修复
我也遇到这个问题了 onClose onEvent 啥的填上 @RequestParam String uid 都是ws链接过来的key 只有onMessage上面@RequestParam String uid是客户端发来的消息 这个设计感觉不合理 很容易误解 这个问题我通过私有变量存一份也可以解决
I have the same problem. Have you solved it
> > > > Not yet I have successfully made the VPN work. It required modifying zsign; the plugin needed a separate mobileprovision for signing in order to function
> Wow ~~ that's cool !!! Would you like to commit the modification with a new pull request ? > > Thanks! The modified source code can only apply to...
> Yes, will do. Use `cl100k_base` as the encoding. > > And if you use `tiktoken` to count tokens for ChatGPT API calls, for now you can add 4 to...