When I Input "make windows-debug", it showed: \\wsl.localhost\ubuntu-22.04\home\xuliyong\ballistica\build\windows\obj\ballistic acoregeneric\debug_win32\ballisticacoregeneric.pch”: No such file or directory [\\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu-22.0 4\home\xuliyong\ballistica\ballisticacore-windows\Generic\BallisticaCoreGeneric.vcxproj] When I input "make windows-debug", it showed: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\Microsoft.CppComm on.targets(550,5): error...
How can I open the '.bob' files? I used windows 11 and BombSquad 1.7.7.
@efroemling Can you add touch screen controller on windows? I can't run circle on windows. And I don't have Android Smart Phone : (
BombSquad Remote at files.ballistica.net/bombsquad/builds/old/ seems to be very old. I have to create an account if i wonna download them at Google Play. Maybe we can update them there?...
I've made some plugins for the game.They worked smoothly in Co-op games.But when I open a private party, all the plugins don't work. Who can tell me why???