
Results 7 comments of Sky

> You will need to enable nested virtualization on your ESXi hypervisor, which I assume can be done, but haven't done it personally. > > Give your snc-host 32GB of...

> I have successfully built with 50G disks. > > This guide is also horribly out of date. I need to refresh it for OKD 4.9. > > I'll try...

I only has 16G memory in my notebook, seems I can overconfigure memory for bootstrap node! Than how about Master? Same requirements? Thanks Sky Sent from my mobile On Dec...

yes, seems still can cheat KVM with 16G memory even only having 12G memory in the host. Bootstrap should be fine but still have some issues with Master, i will...

bookstrip node works fine but not master node. I use virsh console to login master, always report below errors: [ 2001.156252] ignition[452]: GET error: Get "https://api-int.okd4-snc.snc.test:22623[* ] A start job...

just found api-int.okd4-snc.snc.test is in boostrip node, so this problem should be on bootstrip. Do you know how to check the web service for port 22623? i am sure there...

yes, you are right, i found that kubelet.service could not be started in bootstrap node. I also use the newest version of OKD: 4.9.0-0.okd-2021-12-12-025847 ec 24 13:15:55 okd4-snc-bootstrap.snc.test systemd[1]: kubelet.service:...